Aims and Scope

  The goal of the Journal

  Psychology and Warfare (In Hungarian: Lélektan és hadviselés) is an interdisciplinary journal founded and published by the Hungarian K+F Stúdió Kft. (R&D Studio Ltd.), within the framework of its social responsibility (CSR) strategy. This Open Access scientific Internet periodical is published twice a year.

  The journal may give a possibility to: "adventure on the route of armies, on the paths of psychology, and in the mazes of history" (quoted from the cover of Ferenc Mező's book PSYOPS).

   The main aim is to reveal the phenomena of warfare and the maintenance of peace(!) which are determined by human decisions, attitudes, intra- and interpersonal relationships, and creative (technical, economical, and political) creations too. A particular aim is to analyze the psychological, military historical, political, sociological, economic, legal, and other disciplinary aspects of psychological warfare as a force multiplier,  non-lethal, non-kinetic weapon.

  According to the founder's intention, this journal provides a publication interface for inter- and multidisciplinary-oriented researchers, research groups, and practitioners who are interested in its topic to help the creation and promotion of scientific results and innovations, and peace preservation.

Scope of the Journal

This journal publishes papers about the following topics:

  1. Psychological warfare.
  2. Educational, training, and armsdrill aspects of peace and war.
  3. Military History.
  4. Social, economic, and political aspects of peace and war and its psychological background.
  5. Philosophical and religious approaches to peace and war.
  6. Natural Science aspects of peace and war.
  7. Engineer and IT aspects of peace and war.
  8. Agriculture, food, and healthcare aspects of peace and war.
  9. Peace and war in fine art, music, dance, literature, theatre, and film art.
  10. Other topics about psychological or other scientific aspects of peace and war.
  11. Reports about ongoing research about peace and war.
  12. Invitations and reports about projects, conferences, workshops, and other events in connection to peace and war and its psychological aspects.
  13. Book recensions.